Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Mercedes Benz Cbbe Model free essay sample

Which consists out of two sides the â€Å"left† and the â€Å"right† side, that stand for the rationale and the emotional route respectively of the brand equity creation. What makes a strong brand, is that both routes are incorporated into the brand building process. How this relates to MB is defined below. [pic] Keller, (2013) The resonance model 1. Salience, is defined by the depth and the breadth of the brand. The depth of the brand, or the ease to which people remember MB is incredibly high, it is worldwide in the top 5, car manufactures together with Toyota and BMW. This is relatable to their consistent advertising and visual representation on the street (distinctive product design). The breadth of the brand, is related to purchase and usage situations, which is also very large for the brand. A reason as to the cause of this wide product recognition is due to the diverse brand managing marketing instruments. We will write a custom essay sample on Mercedes Benz Cbbe Model or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page MB doesn’t just promote around the functionality area of its product, but also looks towards different events to promote their brand. For example MB is related to football clubs and other sports, but also to music events, therefor making MB a common household name. 2. Performance In the area of performance, MB has created one of its largest advantages trough brilliantly connecting consumer demands with functional performance of its product. High primary characteristics (engines that never stop) combined with top class secondary features (smooth ride) gives MB customers a premium product. Next to the fine product, service, efficiency, empathy, style and design are things that take MB from a top car manufacturer to a top of the world manufacturer. 3. Imagery It’s the combination of user-, purchase- and usage-imagery with the history, heritage and the personal experiences that give MB its reputation. They market their almost â€Å"perfect car† to the upper part of society, who are capable and willing to paying for the extra quality. 4. Judgements The personal opinions that are created through marketing and brand management machine set the a high bar for the opinion of the purchasing customer. Whether his or her feeling/opinion with the product is as good as what the advertisement states. Judging the product on quality, credibility consideration and superiority towards other brands. . Feelings The feelings/emotions that MB puts forward are a mixture of safety, security, social acceptance, self-respect and power. Making owners of the product feel like they can always depend on their car to get the job done. Overall the feeling that this product gives to their owners is an overall feeling of satisfaction. 6. Brand resonance MBà ¢â‚¬â„¢s customers are highly in sync. with the product, they display a high level of brand intensity as well as a high level of brand activity. Customers like being a part of the community called MB, because of the performance and security of the product and the image of the brand.

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